Dada Super is a potent chemical insecticide formulated with Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% in suspension concentrate form. It is specifically designed to combat a wide range of pests in various crops.
Mode of Action:
In insects, Dada Super disrupts normal muscle contraction. It binds to the ryanodine receptor, a specific muscle receptor. When Dada Super binds to this receptor, muscular calcium channels open and calcium leaks out. The muscles then stop working normally, causing the insects to become paralysed and eventually die. It is toxic to insects when ingested and to insect eggs, larvae, and pupae when they come into contact with it.
Method of Application : It can be applied by foliar spray or soil drenching.
Recommendation : For all types of crops
DOSAGE : 100 – 150 ml/acre
Packing Available : 15ml, 30ml, 50ml, 100ml, 250ml
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